Breaking Things with Care and Precision

All content copyright 2005 by Adam.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Oh, Baby- I'm So Tired.

My boss sent me to Project Management Bootcamp last week. From Monday through Friday, I was locked away in a hotel working from 8:00 AM through around 1:00 AM. That kind of schedule can do strange things to a man, and indeed, it did. It's all through now, but even still, I can't stop thinking of every day activities as part of a greater project plan, one task dependent on another, all broken out into phases, hopefully with some contingency time build in at the end.

I was in bed by 7:00 Friday night, and I slept for about 13 hours. Yesterday, AMF and I went into the city with some friends and ice skated and then had dinner and drinks. A fine time was had by all, but today I'm more tired than ever. I'm waiting for a call from my brother to go and do something- anything- but most likely a couple of beers down the street. I don't know if this will be helpful or hurtful, but I think that I need to do something. I'm not good at sitting still.

Upon returning home, I was pleasantly surprised to find that two friends in D.C., Ed and Richard, had added to the list of useless magazines I receive. Field and Stream and Outdoor Living can now be added to the pile with Golf, Ski, Working Mother, and Runner's World. The cover of Outdoor Living seems to involve itself with a grizzly attack, so that's something. I'm thinking about reading that one- In the unlikely event of a grizzly attack, I'd like to have all available information at my disposal. Thanks, guys.


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