Alone With My Thoughts (Poor Company.)
Classes started up for AMP tonight, which leaves me home with the computer, the cat, and a Miller Light. Nothing inspiring. It's lonely not having her around after a couple of weeks of solid company. So it goes. This is the investment you make to add a hot shot lawyer to the family. Nothing to report. I'm feeling a lot better than I was, but I'm still not to the 100% mark yet. Hopefully another good night of sleep will kick this thing in the ass.
Alright. I'm bored with this already. Think I'll wake the cat and see if he wants to talk.
You need a hobby. I was thinking of getting into homebrewing my own beer. I guess that would be considered more of a hoppy that a hobby though.
If you did it too we would both brew our own beer and mail eachother samples through interoffice mail. OR I could brew the beer, and you could brew the moonshine!
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