Breaking Things with Care and Precision

All content copyright 2005 by Adam.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Another Day, Another Trial, Another Jackass.

Ah, who the hell cares, really?

It's nothing new to say that we live in a culture obsessed with celebrity. There is no line between news and entertainment, and I can't really say that there ever was. Becoming famous is considered a triumph unto itself, and it doesn't seem to matter from whence said fame came.


That's my new mantra.

Anywhoo, just another joker cashing in on his fifteen minutes. Seeing these folks crawl out from capital murder trials, though, is a bit unsettling.

UPDATE: In the name of fairness, I went and listened to the guy's songs. I'm now more offended than ever. The verdict's in: He truly and honestly sucks.


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