Breaking Things with Care and Precision

All content copyright 2005 by Adam.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


It's cold and ugly outside, Teressa Heinz-Kerry turned inside out. That's right, girlfriend; I went there. Snow swirls on the sidewalks and asphalt, grey skies. All-in-all, just the thing to kick one on to the depressive side of the spectrum. It's hard to feel inspired in light of all of this, especially when things weren't feeling terribly inspiring in the first place.

But, what are you going to do?

I'll tell you what: You just deal with it. You finish up your day at work, bundle up snuggly in jacket with hands pressed hard downward into pocket, and head to the car. Clear it off, and drive cautiously home, well aware that the normal 50 minute drive might well take considerably longer. And, so it goes. Once home, I guess I'll try to be productive despite a complete lack of desire to be so. Laundry, dishes, clutter- all sitting there since we left for the weekend. Nothing's been done with them, so they sit awash in an expanse of cardboard boxes. But, if I don't do laundry, I'll be stuck with having to wear an oven mitt and placemat to work tomorrow, so I'll do it.

It's one of those times where it feels like I'll never be able to get the apartment back in shape, and also where I feel like there's no real point to do so, anyways.

I hope it's just the weather talking. With luck, the sun will be around eventually.


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