Breaking Things with Care and Precision

All content copyright 2005 by Adam.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Not Much to Report. In the Midst of "Blah."

Man, alive, you'd think that after a full day of paintball I'd have more to report. But, you'd be wrong. Dead wrong. The day left me beaten, battered, and filthy. What I wrote about it is all that you're going to get. That was last week's news, kids. Move on. Enjoy the present moment.

My present moment has me feeling completely wiped out. The last few days have, too. There's a feeling inside and out of just being not here and feeling not quite right. I'm still passing the open windows, but I just don't have much in me right now.

Not having AMF here is getting old. I just kind of sit and sulk, and not much good comes from it. Sure, you could argue, I'm getting some good jerking around on the computer/videogame time in, but, that time kind of sucks. There's not much to it. I've been skipping the gym, skipping all but the necessary laundry, and all the rest. And, I have to stop that.

So, I will.

See? It's simple. In theory, anyways.

I bought an iPod on Sunday. It's cool. Really cool. That's all there is to say about it, save that I'm listening to it right now, The Tragically Hip's "Something On." My favorite song from "Phantom Power," "Thompson Girl," wouldn't copy over, which pissed me off something fierce, but I'll take "Something On," in a pinch:

Outside there's hectic action,
The ice is covering the trees
And one of 'em's interconnecting
With my Chevrolet Caprice.

I used to have a Caprice. It was held together with black duct tape and eventually exploded. Thus, I can connect with this song. And, connectivity is what it's all about. Try to argue with me; try to prove me wrong. You can't- my blog's bigger than yours, I walk the walk and talk the talk. I'm a mean motor scooter.

Yeah. Good reason I haven't been posting for the last few days. I'll try to get out of here in the next hour, piles of unfinished work be damned. There's just no time, inclination, or care. There's more important things to be done, like moping at home (not to be confused with mopping at home, and that's the issue).

I think I'm going to go and get a cup of water.


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