Breaking Things with Care and Precision

All content copyright 2005 by Adam.

Friday, April 22, 2005


I think I've been acting "testy" lately.

Initially, I thought this might be due to the fact that AMF shot a racquetball right into one of my boys the other night, but that probably only accounts for semantics, not the mood itself.

The root of my testiness is likely rooted in my being overly tired. Nashville was a busy time, and it stole my weekend. This week's been a pain in the ass work-wise, and the coming weekend is going to be very busy as well. No real "chill out" time, which is important. So, Present Me, stuck smack dab between Past Me and Future Me, as he always seems to be, feels stuck in a Time Vice, if you will. If you won't, I apologize for taking up your valuable time (believe me, man- I know how you feel). Between the tiredness and the sense that there's no rest in my future, I end up as kind of a jerk. I've been short and snotty. I've been a bad man, a bit of a loose cannon. A little unstable.

Take last night: I yelled at AMF about raccoons.

It's just as absurd as it sounds. While in the car yesterday, we drove by a raccoon. I pointed him (her?) out to AMF, who, liking cute animals, "ooohed" and slightly "ahhhed."

"They're dangerous," I warned. "They're all over our yard. If you see one of them, stay the hell away. Don't go over and try to pet it, or anything. They're mean."

"Really? I thought that the only ones who were dangerous were the ones who would let you go close to them."

"No- no. They're all dangerous. Mean and dangerous. When I'd see them in the yard at night, I'd run right back inside."

"But, they're so cute."

"No. They'll attack you. Stay the hell away from the raccoons, alright? Don't ask anymore questions- just stay the hell away from the raccoons."

That just isn't right. An argument of that sort with one's girlfriend is simply poor form. That said, I think I gave good advice. I did stop myself before I went off on the possum who lives under the porch.

I don't trust that possum.

The plan for tonight is to do nothing, which actually means, go to the printers for work to have some posters made, go to the gym, figure out how and what to eat, and then do nothing. Until you start thinking about laundry, et. al. But, it's something.

I will be making a conscious effort to be a better, nicer person tonight. I will be the best me I can be and turn my frown upside down. I will kill with kindness. I will serve consecutive life sentences for joy and love.


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