Breaking Things with Care and Precision

All content copyright 2005 by Adam.

Monday, July 11, 2005

This is My Chill Out Time.

I'm beat again. Tired. And, I should have sucked it up and gone to the gym, but I've decided to cash in on a bit more chill out time.

The thing I need the most is a good night's sleep, but leading up to that, I'm going to chill out something fierce. I have Friday the 13th 2 to watch, as I didn't get to it last rental. I have Friday the 13th 3 for that matter, too. Maybe I'll chill out, as the kids call it, to the extreme. Additionally, should I wish to exercise my brain, the new issue of Discover arrived with a cover story on string theory.

So much to do.

I'll try to get in some laundry, as well. And eating. That's important.

I'll check back in a bit and let you know how it's going.


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